Thursday, May 29, 2014

Memories of Final Fantasy 7

The first time I played and beat FF7, I was 11-12 years old. I have very happy memories of Cosmo Canyon. Every day after school I would race to my Playstation 1 in my room and play. I was around 10 years old when I first played the game, but I couldn't beat the first boss, which is sad. I went with my father to Walmart when I was around 9 years old, and he asked the worker, what is the best game? He said Final Fantasy 7 was great and it has 40+ hours of play time. The world seemed a lot different back then. So my Dad bought it for me. We later bought Intelligent Qube, and used to compete for the high score, written on the fridge.

But around a year later, I did beat him, and I continued on the most memorable journey of my life.

This dirty old man confused me.

This was amazing! !

I had a crush on Tifa, lol.

I had a very hard time beating Gi Nattak! I used to get home and level up my materia and characters outside of cosmo canyon, it was orgasmic. lol, for reals.

My favourite part of the game was breeding and racing chocobos. I loved the process of getting the gold chocobo using Carob Nuts and feeding it expensive greens from the northern hermit. Teioh was the hardest opponent, but no match for my chocobos :P

I never did beat the Ultimate Weapons.

Final Fantasy 7 VII Memories

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